International Collection and Delivery in Association with NAHS |
Now you don't need to be at home when you know you have a delivery? We can arrange all your delivery while your at work? need to do Shopping To Take Home? Embassy First arranges all your collections from children to many other shopping collections, just contact us by email or phone, We have a 25 hour service that takes care of your needs Embassy First also Gives you more time for yourself and your family.
Embassy First ethos is providing an innovative, dependable and personal service that will always be remained unaltered. Our dedicated service will special purchases from i.e. property’s, yachts, cars and events for clients. ordering items
EMAIL: info@first-edge.co.uk TEL: -44 (0)208 7690060 FREE: -44 (0) 800 232 106 Terms & conditions | Privacy statement | Disclaimer | Code of practice |