Site in
Central Croydon
The site,
which is generally level extends to approximately 0.21 hectares (0.53
acres). It has a frontage approximately 57 metres and a maximum depth of
approximately 38 metres.
permission has now been granted, subject to the completion of a Section
106 Agreement in respect of: “Erection of a building of part 9 and 23
storeys with basement comprising offices on part ground and first floor
level and 61 x 2 bedrooms, 60 x 1 bedroom and 12 x 3 bedroom flats:
formation of vehicular access and provision of 27 parking spaces with
ancillary cycle and refuse areas”
This property is on the market for offers over £7m. Twelve months ago
there were offers of £10.5m and £11.8m on the table before everyone
started running scared
The owner
of the company is known personally to us and we have spoken to him today
and he assures us on receipt of LOI and funds he would be happy to
withdraw the site from the market immediately. They are looking to move
as quickly as possible on this one.
In terms
of commission,
will pay my business and the other in the chain, you can obviously add
whatever you can get away with on top.
This is
not an RBS deal but we do have a direct link with the MD of the company
that owns this land.
If you would like further details and the full brochure please sign the
attached agreement and email back to me.